August 31, 2011

The Wait

With a pretty hand on the sill
She peeped at the rain out
The clouds hovering, the pour still
The window kissed her pout

Her heart beat a bit faster
As her feet tapped in sync
She sang too, in joyous wind
To herself, she gave a wink

It was wonderful to smile again
Smile without reason, that is
To shake off the binding laze
And get lost in rhythm of His

Her electric blue eyes sparkled
As her cherry dress furled
Tea called her, and couch hugged her
As she effortlessly sat and curled

The jet black flicks on the brow
Jumped over and into the tea
Set them aside, thought and blushed
Across the climates, he’s still with me

She thought of his gentle gaze
His polite words, his charming eyes
Interrupted by a ringing phone,
The door too, rang loud and nice

It was he on call, she confused
Of how to open the door
She rejected his call and
Walked across the floor

Irritated to have refused the call
She opened the door and looked to care,
She couldn’t believe, after 7 long years
At last, he was finally there !

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