January 23, 2019

Wild Ones

There are spells of whirlwind distractions
As trophies of the semi ordinary lure me
The winds change constantly
And these Wild Ones want to fly away

I ride a wave sometimes
And at times I drown
There's water in my lungs and
Tears in my eyes
And these Wild Ones want to dissolve away

On rare occasions I stumble upon
What I think is the love of my life
I build castles and palaces in air
And these Wild Ones want to settle in those

I tussle at home and fail some more
Hurt hundreds and struggle to redeem
I boil in sufferance of the torment I inflict
And these Wild Ones want to mellow down

It gets harder still
When the skies break apart
And oceans dry up
And these Wild Ones might atrophy to zilch

It's a tough job, isn't it?
Making these Wild Ones,
Holding them, Growing them
Nurturing them, Fighting for them
And guarding these Wild Ones from falling apart

I got this job. And you got it too.
And if our paths cross, we must step back..
For sake of the Wild Ones we've so nurtured..

I must break out of your loving embrace
I have no option but to steer out of your infinite eyes
I cannot tame your Wild Ones nor hold back mine
And both our Wild Ones might simply deadlock away

Wield I must, tame I must
Master I must and control I must
Love I must and grow these Wild Ones I must
For this job of mine is an optionless choice

For better or worse, I have this job
For better or worse, you have it too..
Being the Guardian of these Wild Ones..
Being the Guardian of Impossible Dreams.