April 1, 2020

A Piece

It's beautiful a distraction
That eclectic slice of newness
Stringing out a lil piece of unknown

The strange glimmer in the dark
Sometimes, a sliver of shade
Sometimes, a sharp ray of hope

The haunting voices
The light hustle
A gunshot, a red puddle

Take me away now
From a burden of expectations
From the servitude against disappointment

Give me some love
Give me a little more, may be
Whisper into my ears your lullaby

Miles away, I hide
Miles away, I yearn
I can't choose that I care
I can't choose that warmth I feel

Eyes on the prize, love
The warmth and the medallion
The ring and the certificate

I will give you all but a piece of me
I ask too, for all but a piece of you
Here and now is what we've got

Hopes of tomorrow
And an even better after..
Eyes on the prize love
We'll have it all but a piece of ourselves

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