August 28, 2013

Lost faces

Yes, it all comes back
Every single time.

I want to see a face,
that I once saw
A face so deeply cherished in my memories..
I wonder where it went,
beneath unspoken acts and unmeant words..

I search for a face
and I see another..
Sometimes haughty, sometimes caring..
Sometimes naughty, sometimes daring..
But never sweet, never understanding..

A face was lost with time
I know not where it lies
I dare not find it

I wonder when I started wearing faces,
All, but mine own..
Mine was lost as that face was lost
A face with charming dimples
Now, a face with a dented chin

Now I wear faces
Mostly practised in the mirror
Ones that suit me best..

So I stand and smile in the mirror
For only with me, I see my face
For only with me, I see that face
Yes, it all comes back
Every single time.

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