They have me bathed in every colour they find
And yet here I am..
Unstained even by a drop
My own colour lustrous and bright
This mesh they weave to bind me tight
And yet here I go..
Unchained by their links and kinks
Weaving a fabric of my own thread
Their immaculate plans to shake me
I face with an infallible smile
A mysterious glint in my eyes
Powered by wondrous memories of a distant past
Dark shadows, they send to bother me
Shadows that scorch me
I wonder how far sorcery will take them
As my mind keeps me unshaken
They dust my knees, try to scar my body
Made quite the occasion of disrobing me
But as I traverse on, untouched and unscathed
Cocooned in my jubilant celebration
My tears lost somewhere in my song
Deep down within, I hope, they realize
They should give it all up
Because spineless vanquished ideally should, in face of stinging defeat..
The fight seems immortal now
I am unaware of the times that go on
Even if Life took me by my throat right now
My spirit glows endlessly, formlessly, wordlessly..
They lead me onto a hundred wrong directions
Yet here I am at my rightful place..
I'm deaf and blind to their sorry miscues
I'm the coronated king of my will
When they succumb to the darkness within
At the dusk of their short-lived days,
I'll still be the blazing, shining Sun
Of my own eternity
Little do they know how I celebrate
My burning, my journey, my mammoth resolve
Unfettered by them, my task awaits..
For only I am my master and slave alike
1 comment:
regarding the forth para
"Dark shadows, they send to bother me
Shadows that scorch me"
I guess you need to iron your shirts to prevent this .
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