June 2, 2012


There are people walking around in this world, going on talking about things. Weird things go on all over the universe which don't exactly always relate to us. And we go on raving about them.

I mean, just look at the various opinions about God !

"Parents are God."

"Man is God."

"God is love."

"God?! Seriously?!"

"Mercy is God."

"God is whatever we choose to perceive Him."

"I'm agnostic."

A 26 year old IT guy with a 13 lac package is going to call Infy God.

An Ambani shall say money is God.

And a retired railway workman pensioner is going to find his God in his sufferance !

It's so amazingly intricate, yet tangible that it is absolutely inexplicable at times.
And when mental pain overtires the brain, it metamorphs into physical pain.

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