Well.. This one would be first of really what'd be defined as a personal blogspace.
I don't really get that so up close and personal, but being on the threshold of 1000 pageviews does that to a teenager ;)
I started properly writing when I was in school. And that exactly was the age when Orkut was the hip thing in town. And having your friends write you testimonials was another issue of pride. (And following this intro are some of the testimonials from my orkut page.)
Some 4-5 odd years have passed since then. I've changed inside-out and upside-down, and so also have the people who wrote what's below. I've made newer, better friends in course of time. Some who've never bothered to pick a pen and write about me, but they've also never forgotten to stand right strong by me each time I needed them bad. Things change, and I'm glad they do.
So why bother about posting stuff that some people wrote ages ago, and this very stuff they perhaps might not stand by today?
It's simple. What all's below, at some point made me. When I wasn't lucky enough to yet meet those super-awesome-legen-wait-for-it-dary friends, these words (perhaps unmeant), yet were there for me.
Some made me believe in myself and some made me believe in OTHERS.
Some made me realise my responsibilities and some taught me to sometimes let go.
Some made me improvise but most of them urged me to write.
So if I'd be excited for them 1000 pageviews, each of the people below have a lion's share in that, perhaps more than mine own.
Point was,
Thanks guys ;)
Bhagyashree Oak
well , ojas ...... !!!! if u dont know her then she may strike u as arrogant , over confident and a uzzi kolhi and company hater !!! but if u know her well then the first 2 claims can be negated !!! she's a brilliant mathematician , a good basketball player n a fun person 2 know !!! and yes , she is a worthy successor to our batch for creating mayhem n confusion for our dear kolhi uzzie asmita n all !!! keep rockin alwazz !!
Aditya Damle
Some say Ojas is Arrogant, has A LOT of attitude and is very proud........whatever it might be she is my best friend and i could give my soul in her hands
Though i know she will kill me. But...
really Ojas is really witty,clever, humourous, bold, daring(potassium aur kaun dal sakta tha yar, passionate and loves her friends.
Mood swings are apart of ther nature and u gotta cope up with it.
But at the end of the day, you will know she is great at heart and that is all that matters.
Shreyas Gadre
really tallented and extremely intellegent
J - just amazing
A - adorable
S - simply superb !!!
what more can i can abt u? . ur are rocking and my cool frnd to .
ur frnd,
manank .
Shree Patwardhan
Hmm....tough writing a testimonial for a girl...anyway,good sorta girl, very brainy [likes math and wants 2 pursue it] Also plays hoop [which gets her out of a possible nerdy image!]....Sometimes however u just wish u could choke her there and then. [just kidding!]
Pranav Shetty
well shes sweet charming,really gud at heart & exceptionally
brilliant in Maths.....
shes un gul hu cn make u smile at any point of time wid her big
grin but cn be really bossy at times...:-)..!!
thts wat Ojas Ajit Gohad is.....& hey....this is ur 13th
testimonial...!!!....hope it isint unlucky for u...!!
stay alive ....MAD as u r..!!
ur frend,
PS(now heres un long unfulfilled promise accomplished..!!)
Sushant Sule
OJAS..... OJ her pet name a very good frend of mine a gr8 scholar and the BIGGEST PHILOSOPHER of SAKJEMS but whatever it may be a good and an understanding girl (jst 2 say) heheheh! No jst a joak but seriously a good gal who is worth of being a good frend U may understand how a gal might she b by looking at her profile So "KEEP ROCKING GAL"
Apurva Gaikwad
As the nam goes ojas.
then may be oj,dj ........
doesnt matter
she is a gud frnd,frank,reliable.
and vry gr8 philosopher
but a bst frnd.
dj rocks.....
Surabhi Dholakia
so ...OJ this is a short expression though but there r so many things behind this oh so kool kinda expression...oh then wat shud i say?people can rite pages about her...and so can i coz i have known her 4m we were in kinders...the time wen she was just like ne other student wen she was not ..THE OJAS GOHAD types ...but r journey of friendship has been the same....so i wish u all the best oj....keep rocking GENIUS.....
Her mind like computer(always working fast)
Her nature like a tree(always helping)
Her friendship like internet(always giving information)
So i say friends,
Have friendship with her.
Your friend,
Wat 2 say about her if I start describing bout her it will need pages d write bt I would say in short that
OJAS is genius , briallant at maths n studies , an artist , gd at heart , philosopher , helpful very frndly , simple , always happy n very frndly n so on
In short she is a all – rounder.
Hey I will only say I am always der for u when u need n hence don’t ever forget me
HEY OJ U ROCK N DON’T EVER CHANGE URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frm shahidz fan. (hey now don’t say I havnt written a testi)
Hehehe just kiddin re. njoy ur lyfe.
Mugdha Joshi
brain goddess, voracious reader, scholar n most of all a diamond at heart, boys back off!
me cant share oj wid anyone!
i cherish her frndship like else in life.....hope it lasts 4ever.....
luv n warmest wishes.....mj![ ur sweet heart punk!]
ps-dont mind the short testi, u've already filled LARGE spaces in my haert!
ps ppl, one thing i forgot bout oj is taht she's a enderaing frnd, all my frnds had to be pushed 2 write a testi 4 me, but oj is d only one who does unspoken favours 4 me,
tahnx alot, 4 everything
oj!!!!! my dear lil sweet frnd, this space is pretty less 2 pen down my thoughts about her, cause oj is a one of a kind girl.
she is extremely sincere, perseverant, harworkin, optimistic and a absolute go- getter , tahts why she has achieved soo much in life n made all of us proud......but this is one aspect every single ojas knowin soul says in their testi!!!! n since id like 2 believe that i know her a lil btr, let me give u an insight into wat she is like
Oj is too much like a coconut, luks tough on on outside, but a real tender soul, absolutely lovin n carin n very loyal 2...
sum1 whom u can depend on wid ur eyes closed 4 advice...
shes always stud by me in my tough times n tahts exactly wat sets her aprt frm ordinary aquinatnces who claim 2 b frnds,
Oj is like dis dashing, shrewd, smart n flamboyant female who speaks her mind, her thoughts are transparent n crystal claer, at d same tyme she is this philanthropist who loves every 1 around her in d same lite, truly cherish our frndship oj, cheers
hope we always remain like dis, n tahnx 4 all d help uve given me, u were d 1 who cud do it!
thanx a ton, 4 being there,
luv u loads, n alwayus awaialble 2 sort things out 4 ya if u in d pits...
here goes another testi 4 my dear oj...
oj is not at all wat she luks like, apart frm d fact that she is godman studious and brainy like she luks, but if u leave that all aside, she is one hippiee!!!!
a lil rudie, a lil bratty, a lil crappy, a lil snappy n a lot mischievous, this is wat oj is really like, wont think twice 2 say a "fo" if u irritate her...but thats wen she is really pissed off..i had always known hat i n oj jelled well 2gether, but realised wat a tru frn oj is wen she was always there 4 me wen i was in d pits, be it about 'him' or any other stupid skooli problem, she always had d solution 4 d best thing 2 b done, n most of all, she is the only one who writes me beautiful testimonials widout me tellin her 2 write me 1!!!
i know her life history, n she knows mine, id like 2 believe that we kno each oder in n out n i guess we can deduce wats goin on in d oders mind by now! leavin all this apart n comin back 2 oj, no number of testimonilas are enough 2 testify wat a gr8 gal she is..
so where was i.....
ya , no number of testimonials are nough 2 testify wat a gr8 frnd oj is, or wat a cooool company , tru frnd, lovely human , even beutiful lover oj is....
so in a nutshell, oj is a real tresure n beacuse i have a treasure like dis 1, i happen 2 b d richest gal alive!!!
hopin 2 fix a date sooon,
cheers!! mugi
here is a short poem[ errors n bad rhyme schemes 2 b excused owing 2 d fact that im no poet]
when the sun fades,leaving nothin but sadness behind
a true companion in ojas i find
solace, peace n affection, nothin in leu 4 d concern
oj is a friend, philosopher and guide....
''oj has been wid me through trying times''- a statement often made by friends, ill call it pure understatement. wen the going was tough n i had no1 2 give me sum gud piecce of advice, i never had 2 think twice b4 lukin up 2 oj...n we've been gr8 frnds thereafter...
we've always got soo much 2 tok about, we never run outta topics, n tokin 2 her is like a gulp of fresh air,
shez always rite there 2 make me laugh wen stuck wid my problems, 2 give me advice wen im in immediate need of 1, n most of all, give me true companionship!!!
in a way, shez my dose of opium! cant b at peace widout tokin 2 her!
luv ya oj....really, thanx 4 being around! u mean d world 2 me...n HATE fitin wid u.....
but i kno this frndship is here 2 last[ cant afford 2 lose my biggest possesion buddy, im selfish bout dat..bcause ive had unsuccssful relation wid a few frnds u kno, wudnt wanna lose u]
all urs till d universe tears apart, n even after dat...
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do the things i did[ line edited]
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
this is how goes the song reason by hoobastank n i dedicate it 2 my sweet oj...
words cant define our friendship, fences cant bound our love 4 each other,
im dont believe in valentines wen im tokin bout oj, i dont need a day 2 tell her wat she means 2 me..i dont need 2 think twice wen i say oj is my bestest frnd...
bcause our frndship is not sumthin that binds us 2gether, its sumthin that sets us free..
i wud b like a bird wdout winggs, an ocean widout water, a child widout luaghter if it wasnt 4 oj 2 hear me out wen i was in dire distress, ive shared my deeepest n silliset probs wid her, n shez just heard me out widout condemning me 4 my stupidest problems..shez just given me the gr8 advice thats always ready..ive always wanted sum1 whom i cud pour my soul out 2, n oj is that person, hands down...
luv u loads[probably a lil less dan current, na nana na na !!]
since i mad her see red because i din tell her b4 goin 2 darjeelings, this is an effoert 2 compensate.
oj's one heck of a cool company, awesum fun 2 b wid, full of anectodes and wise words and needless 2 say advice1
an extremely trustworthy frnd that she is, u can tell her anything ubder d sun and expect a patient response!
u can b sure she wont ditch u in trying times, and dats wat makes her such an adorably lovable person..
a frnd like her is a priceless treasure , a treasure 4 keeps.
luv u loads
rock on...
She is someone who has been happy wid me and shed tears wen i was sad, lent me her shoulder to cry on wen i needed someone the most and her valuable words of wisdom cudnt have had more impact..
Her testi 4 me says it all, and i cant thank my stars enough for gifting me a friend like her...
All this apart, ojas is also someone who tries to portray that she is "miss. I can bear it all" but i know just how much pain she has gone through and she has undoubtedly taken that to her stride, i truly admire her 4 dat.
I owe u a lot ojas, and can never repay the words of support you offered, the joys and sorrows u shared..thanx 4 everything..
U deserve all the happiness u r gettin {"wink"}.... always wish 2 c tremendoes jou in those eyes
love u soo much
she has been the sun of my life, giving me all the committment and true affection that a friend expects from another, so much so that shes almost like my sis 2 me. I can rely on her about anything and expect 2 be forgiven at every silly error [considering the countless times that i have forgtten 2 call her after promising]....and always has that lovely smile on her cheery face...
Its funny we dont meet at all, and talk only rarely, still the affection i feel towards her has never reduced by the slightest. Needless to say, our bond is special, this friendship to last, a treasure 4 keeps..
I cant count how many times ive mentioned that ojas is one of my most valued possesions, my best friend in truest sense, im really lucky 2 have a friend, sis and guide all rolled into one..
thanx 4 being around oj...love ya
urs till bollywood films have songs in it...
To be absolutely frank, im a pretty useless friend, cause I rarely get the time to call up ojas and talk for hours, and she being an even busier person, there are rarely times when we get to catch up…but that never bothers me in the least, cause when we do, we’re like a cauldron on fire!!! Really, being friends with oj is like magic, just by having a sweeet adorable, trustworthy, righteuous , and most of all, a genious friend like ojas!! She is one headstrong girl, who never lets her own pains come in way of her ambitions.. a quality which most ordinary people lack..but then nothing about ojas is ordinary, she’s truly one of a kind!! Im soo proud of myself for befriending someone like ojas, cause she sure did change the silly-mistake making, goofy and cracked me!!! Love u loads!!!
Cherish this frndship a laawt!!
np..a new..one...
Ojas...is ...weird...I..wonder...How she manages so many qualities at once
shez really supportive and was there for me when noone was
One thing ull really like is dat her advice is always supportive and is recieved only when asked for..She always maintains her calm (now thats a cool lie)
Is a darn great poet...simply superb..
IS REALLY VERY "INTELLIGENT". No joke folks...has proved it many times....
loves solving maths
She unknowingly taught me to lead life the positive way...and helped me a lot...thanks for that..
urs truly
lots of luck 4 ur future!!
Ojas "POET" Gohad..........
a gr88 poet......makes really very thoughtfull poems...
I've always tried to make poems like hers....but......Ojas' poems stand alone...different.
ojuu is a very good friend of mine..
and may god bless our friendship with lots of love..
This isn't an exaggeration..I hope the people who know her will agree with me
That's not all guys!
She is an all-rounder toooooooo!!!
She's a brilliant sportsperson!! [Now, how come I know it? Sochnewali baat hai na?]
Sometimes I fel that she's a superhero!!!
How can anyone be soooooooooo perfect?????
I don't know why I can't think of any words while writing testimonials...
You are the best, Miss India!!!
....From Santuklya!!!!
once a while,
we meet someone
who makes us feel so good-
who seems to understand us,
in way few people could.....
someone who's truly glad for us
when things are going well,
who's always there to listen,
when we have to say something,
something new to tell.....
once a while we find someone
on whom we can depend
I know b'coz i found in you
a really wonderful person Ojas!!!!!
well writing this is a bit complicated.........cuz very frankly, i hate scholars(n dis gal is undoubtedly 1)whose charachteristics include solving trigo fr tp(!)bt shez a gud frnd 2, n thats y im writin what i am..
nt only is she a scholar, shez also a poet n complicatedly so(the begotten chances, what a life!!!!!)
shez intellectual(n i dunno if there shud've been a "an" in between the last 2 words) bt dats 1 thing dat i lyk, n shez sympathetic wid raj thackrey's aims(way 2 go, gal!!) politics wud suit u 2,for sure
she lykes sanskrit,which for me is 1 of her bad tastes(bt even perspective lies in the eye of the beholder, so m nt sayin much)
well bt all in all, shez an awesome gal, very sweetn witty at da same tym
she will make it 2 the top wherever she goes dats fr sure.
have a gud life, sweeetheart.
Luv n luck,
She has most of the virtues I dislike and none of the vices i admire!
OJAS . a smart, talented, good lukin n soch n adoreable n.........................n.............
i miss u sooooooo much . i wish ur destiny has everything u want . even if v r separated by time ., hope ur frndship remains d same .
cya . take care . lots of luv .
Anyways, until five years later then, unless we both land up at the same institute, which is highly improbable!!!
hmmm wat 2 say???????? i dont kno her dat much personally bt actly I never found Ojas arrogant or having 2 much attitude.
in-fact she's cool easy going person kinda down 2 earth;) intelligent gal wid hell lotta creativity n spark...... nthin elz just UP THE IRONS \,,/ \,,/
To Maiden, JD.. ;)
Thanks and love,
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