" Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo "
Sounds extremely fluent and lucid, doesn't it? Well, when the first I read it, I felt like there's a huge stampede of Buffalos set loose.. and that they all are charging at me in all directions !
The sentence must sure have some meaning, which alas is far above the pea-sized brains of lesser mortals like me. It only seems like a cowherd calling after a lost Buffalo!
Splendid !
Another fine discovery, was the uplifting of a myth. Trust it guys, but the cockroaches given to us for dissection are ALIVE !
Believe it, can you? It was me and my partner Sharvari Gangal in the biology laboratory. We returned to our table after getting the instructions form the Batch Teacher. Now, our table is situated right in front of a rainy window. Sharvari lifted up the cockroach from her dish, and I had an illusion kind-of that it moved. I pointed it out to her, but she differed, saying that wind made it move.
As Sharvari rose her inclined scissors to cut to the cockroach's legs, it twitched !
Not a moment wasted, we both made him[we concluded its gender later] breathe his last.
But the conversation that followed, was too good... Here are the excerpts..
Ojas- Why the hell are we ripping cockroaches apart? What great fruit of immortality, or a great fine bezoar are we getting?
Sharvari- Well, maybe because... hmmn.. killing tigers makes a difference, and killing cockroaches doesn't !
Ojas- I wonder what happens to those animal lovers in these cases ! Do they love these cockroaches as well?
Sharvari- yeah.. imagine them getting down into every gutter and yelling out "Cockroach.. oh my dear cockroach.. come to me.. some sweetie, I'm here to protect you !!"
Ojas- hahaha ! That reminds me.. An acquaintance of mine was training to be a vet. Once, he was asked to sedate a chained roaring lion. The poor guy's nerves were vibrating in fear, but just enough to prevent himself from peeing in pants..
Sharvari- And then what happened?
Ojas- Well.. the guy came out with a better idea.. He sedate himself !
Sharvari- Oh man ! Imagine the amount of anesthesia wasted.. hilarious man !!
Ojas- Hey, how do they semi-kill these cockroach thingies?
Sharvari- They just paralyse them. They empty a packet of live cockroaches into a mug of phenyl and kerosene.
Ojas- Hey SHarvari, just imagine sedating a tiger with that !
Sharvari- Yep.. 6 men lifting up a tiger and dumping into a phenyl tub..
Ojas- The same as those guys do at the time of Holi / Rang Panchami?? haha.. arey yaar kuchh to ijjate rakh us tiger ki !
Sharvari- Bet the tiger would be so damned embarrassed, that he'd offer to die himself..
Ojas- Very likely ! but how???? I'm sure he isn't gonna bite off his tail :P
Sharvari- Yea.. then mostly he'll jump off from a mountain..
Ojas- Elementary, Watson ! It can' die that way.. it'll just roll off won't it?
Sharvari- Capital ! Then, perhaps jump off from the terrace of a tall building !
Ojas- Hehe.. Mr Tiger going up 85 floors of the Empire State building in the elavator and jumping off...?!?!?! Amazing theory !
Sharvari- Hmmmn.. and what's your plan ?
Ojas- I think it's easier to borrow the machine from Honey, I Shrunk The Kids.. Take it, miniaturize the tiger. If it bites, it's gonna be nothing better than a mosquito bite :P
Sharvari- Haha.. so killing it with the mosquito racquet?
Ojas- Nah.. Paralyse in the same jug of phenyl and kerosene....!
(A voice in the background: "ANUKOOL WHAT ON EARTH IS YOUR COCKROACH DOING OVER THE PINS ??????????)
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