August 24, 2008

Every once in a while, when you sit in the window, just 7 soreys above ground level, thinking of actually what to think upon, and you fnally know what you are supposed to be thinking.. It's just those thoughts about whatever happens around you grip you, and close so.. and never seem to release you. You practically are thinking what to think but those thoughts, and nothing comes into your focus except those very thoughts you are trying to get rid of..
Today itself, I was chatting to this friend of mine whom I met about 7 or 8 years. We were friends together, but ways parted, and we found each other after these long years, so it was rather exciting to speak to him. Strangely enough, we'd matured into teens from tweens, and he asked me,"Ojas do you think I have changed?"
Now many of you would rate it as a really stupid question, considering that 7 or 8 years do make a hell of a difference... But folks, wasn't that an important one as well?
Yes, we have both changed. He, in his ways, and I,in mine. But hasn't he left a memory of what he was years back, in the realms of my mind? Similarly, I too, have left an impression of what I was about 7 or 8 years back in his mind. And with 1 question of his, I realise how much have I changed.. How much have my surroundings changed.. How much have people around me changed !

I remember wearing green shirt on yellow pants, and blue earrings, something that's a strict no-no now[unless you're a model flaunting a Rohil Bal] ! I remember when a 50 paise Halls would excite a pound of my adrenaline, but now even the huge mulp of Ferrero Rocher does nothing to me ! I remember when my best friend had tied me a rakhi for a friendship day, and I flaunted it for seven days in due honour to my friend, but now I have my hands full with friendship bands, all worthless as none of them is my true friend ! I remember how great an experience it was to have a small Vadilal ice-cream cup on my own, but now the routine of gellato makes it tasteless too! I remember coming back from first day of school, and narrating the episode 10 times separately to each of my family members, but now I return from college each day, only to study and get lost in my routine ! I remember lighting a diya, and pondering how beautiful it was, but now even the Crystal Hall seems less !

And yes.. It's really shocking !
Thanks, dude !

We really must all turn to what we earlier were.. simple, innocent kids, having more sense than what we have now !

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