Need to honk and spew some irritation.
I traverse the whole city but I can't hold myself back
Almost involuntarily, my hands and feet turn me into the lane.
I look up and see the star lantern, my eyes start welling up.
I stand exactly in the spot where I last held your hand
I couldn't just put flowers on your lifeless body
I see your empty chair, the one I let nobody sit in it.
This is incomplete, the puzzle piece forever lost.
I am reminded of my day again
My feeble, desperate attempts
To hold it all together
To hold you onto us
The foundation moved and a house collapsed
I try laying some cement but it has yet to dry
I know now what it took
I know now what you built
I know now what it cost you
For here, I am, piecing the remains
I know that's what you meant
When you sent me your last text
Why didn't I see you more?
Why didn't we share more coffee?
I wish you would inundate me with your words
I wish I could tell you more
So much of that emptiness in that chair
So much love, so many memories
I leave, unable to stare at it anymore