Not today.
I'm not sharing that chocolate.
Nor getting your fancy sandwich.
Neither am I getting your favorite donut.
No. Not today.
You're not getting that massage.
Not the kind back rub.
Neither the customary peck on your lips.
No. Not today.
I'm not going to call.
I don't want to hear you wish goodnight.
Neither want I to hear your throaty laugh.
No. Not today.
I'm not going to forgive you.
Nor am I going to understand.
Neither going to make your excuse for me.
No. Not today.
I'm not even going to fight.
Nor expect your words back.
Neither do I have any more hope for us.
No. Not today.
I'm not going to be hurt now.
Nor let you affect me, for better or for worse.
Neither sleep in tears you've caused.
No. Not today.
I'm going to let go almost a decade.
My shoulders drooped and back bent.
I can't hold on any more.
No. Not today.
I've held back far too much.
I've held back far too long.
I'm not just going to stand on this threshold.
No. Not today.
Too much unsaid, too much undone.
So much beauty, all wasted away.
I'm not going to count the loss.
No. Not today.
You're here but I won't hold.
Because you ran miles away.
And I'm not going to stand, seeing it happen.
No. Not today.
I'm not letting you hold me back.
Nor trap me with your words.
Neither in the history you had me create.
No. Not today.
You said stay yesterday, I stayed.
You didn't say anything today, I stayed.
You said there's no tomorrow, yet I stayed.
But No. Not today.