December 24, 2015


They have me bathed in every colour they find
And yet here I am.. 
Unstained even by a drop
My own colour lustrous and bright

This mesh they weave to bind me tight
And yet here I go..
Unchained by their links and kinks
Weaving a fabric of my own thread

Their immaculate plans to shake me
I face with an infallible smile
A mysterious glint in my eyes
Powered by wondrous memories of a distant past

Dark shadows, they send to bother me
Shadows that scorch me
I wonder how far sorcery will take them
As my mind keeps me unshaken

They dust my knees, try to scar my body 
Made quite the occasion of disrobing me
But as I traverse on, untouched and unscathed
Cocooned in my jubilant celebration

My tears lost somewhere in my song
Deep down within, I hope, they realize
They should give it all up
Because spineless vanquished ideally should, in face of stinging defeat..

The fight seems immortal now
I am unaware of the times that go on
Even if Life took me by my throat right now
My spirit glows endlessly, formlessly, wordlessly..

They lead me onto a hundred wrong directions
Yet here I am at my rightful place..
I'm deaf and blind to their sorry miscues
I'm the coronated king of my will

When they succumb to the darkness within
At the dusk of their short-lived days,
I'll still be the blazing, shining Sun 
Of my own eternity

Little do they know how I celebrate
My burning, my journey, my mammoth resolve
Unfettered by them, my task awaits..
For only I am my master and slave alike

November 5, 2015

I Spin a Tale

I spin a tale
today and now
of the thin golden lines
that I hope hold us

I spin a tale
of hope and love
of the mysteries beyond
understanding and all

I spin a tale
worthy to behold
the golden strand across
oceans and wide lands

I spin a tale
wisp by wisp
of gossips untold and
stolen, hidden smiles

I spin a tale
of numbers and mazes
of stranded meetings
of promises kept good

I spin a tale
with a thread
so strong it couldn't break
so sharp it cuts me

I spin a tale
to me alone
searching within myself
for pleasure of promise anew

I spin a tale
with my mind's all
hoping it'll all be true
hoping it'll always be you

October 8, 2015

Peek a Boo

I hear a slight rustle
I know you're behind..
Your movement gives you away
Peek a Boo

Ohh, but it was just a leaf
But wait.. isn't that your shoes?
It's unmistakable, that yellow..
Peek a Boo

Damn you took it off!
But I see a toe trail now
Through the mud, light-footed
Peek a Boo

You're not even here
I'm desperate now, searching all
But I see wall now..
Peek a Boo

You're nowhere and I'm lost..
Peek a Boo

Scared. You're not there.
Angry. You're not there.
Frustrated. You're not there.
Helpless. You're not there.
Lost. You're not there.

Peek a Boo? Peek a Boo?? Peek a Boo???
When did you stop playing Peek a Boo?

July 25, 2015


Dwarfing me,
You pat my head
That hangs in insecurity

Will I earn my bread?
I wonder, whilst
my flat stomach yearns

Somewhere beyond
They waste food
Drinks run like rivers

I wonder.

They had me go
Touched me some
Hit them and hit back

I'm not me, am I?
The last morsel went
The next might never come

Food food food
Is all I can think about
My skin and bones across

You pat my head
but your stomach is full

They taught you empathy
But they didnt
Teach you to share!

July 16, 2015


Muddle my eyes
Storm right in
Thunder away
Drench me in your arms

Infuriate my wait
Scourge some passion
Flagrate my desires
Burn into my blood

Blow my senses
Gale in my treasures
Burst some kisses
Swipe me off my feet

Wet me with your stares
Puddles down my clothes
Drown me in your love
Dissolve in you my soul

June 10, 2015

Silent song

I wonder at the face
Staring at me,
Having gulped a truth
Harsher than gales

I wonder why
My heart didn't fall away
My breath not
At all erratic

Strangely calm
My eyes and yours meet
And gaze at mysteries
We've learnt to create

My hopes stronger
Your needs bolder
My arms in yours
We sing a song

Our song is silent
But it has a story
Our eyes hit notes that
No singer can possibly sing

My eyes twinkle
Your eyes smile
We laugh together
We run the marathon

Forget the yesterday
Keeping my promise
Your sadness embraces
My grief divine

I resign to you
Drift off to sleep
You'll awake me
Stealing the worlds

The trinkets bling
Our song vibrates
Your silent note from away
Echoes in rhythm with mine

March 22, 2015

It's a violent mind of a damaged heart

Its a violent mind
Of a damaged heart

Its the man
Dying by the whip
Its the whimpering slave
Tired of being hurt

Its the crushed little Bud
That wants to bloom
Its the dead seed
That wants to grow

Its a violent mind
Of a damaged heart

Its the painted eye
That controls all tears
Its a measured voice
That gives none away

It's the last wine drop
That bubbles drowned pain
Its the abused child
That's scared of tomorrow

February 16, 2015

Not Today

Not today.

I'm not sharing that chocolate.
Nor getting your fancy sandwich.
Neither am I getting your favorite donut.
No. Not today.

You're not getting that massage.
Not the kind back rub.
Neither the customary peck on your lips.
No. Not today.

I'm not going to call.
I don't want to hear you wish goodnight.
Neither want I to hear your throaty laugh.
No. Not today.

I'm not going to forgive you.
Nor am I going to understand.
Neither going to make your excuse for me.
No. Not today.

I'm not even going to fight.
Nor expect your words back.
Neither do I have any more hope for us.
No. Not today.

I'm not going to be hurt now.
Nor let you affect me, for better or for worse.
Neither sleep in tears you've caused.
No. Not today.

I'm going to let go almost a decade.
My shoulders drooped and back bent.
I can't hold on any more.
No. Not today.

I've held back far too much.
I've held back far too long.
I'm not just going to stand on this threshold.
No. Not today.

Too much unsaid, too much undone.
So much beauty, all wasted away.
I'm not going to count the loss.
No. Not today.

You're here but I won't hold.
Because you ran miles away.
And I'm not going to stand, seeing it happen.
No. Not today.

I'm not letting you hold me back.
Nor trap me with your words.
Neither in the history you had me create.
No. Not today.

You said stay yesterday, I stayed.
You didn't say anything today, I stayed.
You said there's no tomorrow, yet I stayed.
But No. Not today.