August 28, 2013

To Anger

Don't you remain an unwanted aquaintance?

You shake in mirth
As I shake,
Trying to leash you..

You blind me, confuse me,
enchant me, afflict me,
ensorcelling my words,
hexing my control over my own action..

Aren't you elated,
when I hurt those whom I love?
Why aren't you ashamed
to shackle me to you?
For I know you love me not!

I nurse their hurt,
and lift my torso to fight you..
But you strike behind my back,
Ignoble you!

Your intoxication, one day,
should rather not consume me..
For you'll die too..

Taking the taste
of your own medicine.

Lost faces

Yes, it all comes back
Every single time.

I want to see a face,
that I once saw
A face so deeply cherished in my memories..
I wonder where it went,
beneath unspoken acts and unmeant words..

I search for a face
and I see another..
Sometimes haughty, sometimes caring..
Sometimes naughty, sometimes daring..
But never sweet, never understanding..

A face was lost with time
I know not where it lies
I dare not find it

I wonder when I started wearing faces,
All, but mine own..
Mine was lost as that face was lost
A face with charming dimples
Now, a face with a dented chin

Now I wear faces
Mostly practised in the mirror
Ones that suit me best..

So I stand and smile in the mirror
For only with me, I see my face
For only with me, I see that face
Yes, it all comes back
Every single time.

August 7, 2013

Sand on the road

No now,
not so fast..
There's sand on the road..

The streets are muddy
And knees are wading
Wheels and tyres parting
Water into two
But not so fast..
There's sand on the road..

The road must be treaded
Time stays of essence
How to go about, when
there's sand on the road?

Breaking may kill
Spirits more than lives
What must be done, be done..
There's sand on the road..