Still that hope
The restlessness in your eyes
Your beautiful eyes, still naive
Lacking 'the look',
Containing the curiosity,
the wildness, the impatience
of your kind
Your eyes still aren't blemished
with caution
You still can relish everything
Stay like that, little girl
I'm here
to bear your burdens
for as long as I can
I'll carry as much of your load
as my arms permit me to carry
The innocent gleam in your eyes
seems like a panacea
to my troubled, burdened shoulders
The dancing hope in your eyes
tells me I can still manage
to hide it from you, little one
Stay like that, my dear
Stay hungry, stay foolish
Wisdom has its own weight,
O little one
O little one
Bathe in your colours
get lost in that kiddy make-up
But remember to cotton it off
Your cheeks are still pink
like cotton candy
Flushing with joys of novelty
The wind still tickles you,
and entangles your hair
as you jump in that colourful frock
O little one
Make me do your plaits
and make me do your hair
But flash me that smile
flash me those beautiful eyes
and remind me how it was,
Before I started needing make-up