Every person, some or the other time, feels left and depressed.
Every heart has its fair share of that green monster of jealousy.
Even the most wonderful heart hates something or the other.
Even if you love somebody even deeply, when that person insults you, it hurts very deeply.
Everyone lies.
Everyone faces atleast one moment in one's life when they badly want to hurt or hit or kill somebody.
Every person has a sad story to tell.
Every person has a secret to hide.
Every person needs love, and his love to be responded.
Everyone feels there should be somebody just to understand us.
Everyone feels that the person they so much love some day, should not forget it and turn into a total stranger.
Everyone has a tear to shed.
Every person has once wanted to say something, but didn't say because they cared for that person.
Every person day dreams.
Every person imagines conversations when they are going to meet somebody.
Every person, once in a while, just wants to cry and let it all out.
Every person wants to have a day off and simply sleep.
Every person likes to be pampered.
Every person is disgusted with themselves, but are too proud to own it up.
Every person looks good.
Every person dreams of being in a swimming pool on a hot summer night.
Every person, once in a while, is tired of their responsibilities.
Every person wants to life one day of their life secretly being somebody else.
Every person, when in school, hated their teachers.
Every person loves to stare at the apple of their eye.
Every person gets distracted.
Every person gets tired.
Every person has needs.
Every person has feelings.
We are all, after all, human.